The WELLCOMM Early Years Toolkit

Are you looking for a simple yet highly effective way to identify children who may have speech and language difficulties? 

Are you finding that increasing numbers of children are coming to your setting with lower than expected levels of development in speech and language? Or are there children in your setting with identified needs but ‘stuck ‘ on a speech and language therapy waiting list? 

Do you want to be able to easily screen children to find out more about their current speech and language development?

Would you like to find out about how to access a range of engaging, fun and easy to implement strategies and activities which are tailored to individual children’s speech and language needs? 

You may even already have a copy of the WELLCOMM Toolkit in your setting but just aren’t sure or confident in how to get the most out of it. 

Then this is the course for you! 

The course is self paced meaning you can complete it in your own time and at your own pace.

Course Price

Using the WELLCOMM Toolkit To Develop Language Skills In The Early Years

Whether you already have a copy of the WELLCOMM Early Years Toolkit and need to know how to use it or are considering purchasing one and are looking to find out if it will meet the needs of your children, this course will provide you with everything you need to know.

(Please note that the course does not include the WELLCOMM Toolkit itself)